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Musings From A Footballer's Mind

 Soccer is a mental game expressed by the feet. In the game you have an idea which is a mental thing, and it is executed by the feet which are a physical thing, but at the core, what is happening is the realization of mental ideas. 

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Ankle Stability

We have to look at the failed attempt as a clue as to how to get to success. In this way each failure becomes a step closer instead of a reason to stop trying.

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Chess Not Checkers

A player must understand that the game first starts with and moves because of THOUGHT. Football is a thinking game, much like chess, there are many moving parts (22 players and freedom of movement over a large space) therefore to be a good player is to be an intelligent player.

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Think for yourself

Most people don’t like to think for themselves. Most people would rather have someone tell them what to do. This is normally not a conscious decision...

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Refine your Response

 Only you know what you are going to do when in possession of the ball, and this leg up is the mental concept that one needs to be able to utilize in a myriad of different ways.

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